
Join me on my journey to explore fun, and sometimes interesting, ideas!


The Aether Is Dirty, Man!

One of the most basic properties of human intelligence is how it can jump out of its own thought processes to observe itself and to explore the hypothetical. It asks what-if questions. Like, what if we visited an unknown world full of unimaginable experiences and great discoveries?


Petting An Animal Against The Grain

The looming threat of climate change induces such harrowing anxiety that the psychological torment keeps people awake at night and deters them from having children. But listen up, buttercup. Extraterrestrials have solved the problem of climate change, and all you have to do is look at their small, pasty bodies to see how it’s done.


Why Can’t We Have Nice Things?

Today we smile upon those peoples of yesterday who danced for rain, personified evil in black cats, and lacked all knowledge of indoor plumbing. Tomorrow, people will mock us with the same cheeky ridicule. For at no other time in human history has there been more human potential wasted than what we piss away today.


Chemical Automata And The Interrelated Whole

Descartes was convinced he existed in a world that may or may not be real. But his speculations stopped short of diving into the cause-and-effect patterns that shape the mind. How certain can we be that the thoughts bouncing around our heads have been conceived, rationalized, and turned over by our own willful intent?


The “F” Word

There has never been a problem of such overwhelming importance as the issue of freedom. All throughout history, people and nations have fought violently for their freedoms even though freedom’s definition has always been roughly defined and the ideas surrounding it poorly executed.


The Hero of Our Story

Future generations will look back at this time in human history as the Golden Age of Stupidity. Never before have we had access to so much knowledge and information while at the same time having no idea how to put it to use. What, if anything, can be done about our unfortunate place in time?


What All People Really Want

We all yearn to be a part of something bigger than just our individual selves. There’s nothing that mankind cannot accomplish when people work together. However, many essential ingredients for success are taken for granted, and it’s only through the removal of such things do we become painstakingly aware of their true value.


Cloudy Before Creativity

Everyone wants to be creative, to conceive great ideas, and to achieve unparalleled beauty in their aesthetic self-expression. Being creative allows us to break free from established patterns, to see things in new ways, and to drive change in the world. And the fluffy drama of clouds may be one entry point into this terrific human experience.


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